Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Nightmare Monday Night

So we had a horrible monday night.  It all started when we went out to eat.  You see Elizabeth and I had been cooped up all day, since the weather has been awful.  No running around means she was not tired at all, which means whiny bedtime.  Wanting to avoid this, I asked if we could go some place with an indoor playground.  So we went to a local fast food place (I know bad health choice, but not letting Elizabeth play is worse).  Two things happened.

1) a little girl ran into a little boy and he fell.  HARD.  I mean we heard his head pop on the tile floor.  Everyone was freaking out.  He had to go to the dr.  It was a total accident, but scary.

2) the same little girl followed Elizabeth up into the playground area. They were playing really well together.  Then we called for Elizabeth to come down.  She was on her way and then all of a sudden started screaming.  I ripped my shoes off and climb up into the play area...the little girl was holding her down.  I got Elizabeth up and asked what was going on.  Elizabeth was too hysterical to answer and the little girl wouldn't.  I think either Elizabeth fell and what started as a hug turned into a hold down or the little girl didn't want her to leave.  To be honest, I think it was the second, because the little girl's dad had also been calling for her and she wouldn't come down.  When I told her that her daddy was looking for her, she told me she was too afraid to go down the slide.  I think when Elizabeth turned to leave, she realized she would be alone and afraid, so she stopped her.  I asked if she wanted to come with us, and she seemed relived.  Needless to say, I'm not going to that type of playground anytime soon.  A nice open playground that I can see my babies seems much safer.  Better yet, time to get that playset up so I don't have to go to the playground!

When we got home, we got the girls settled.  Elizabeth calmed down and after watching a Veggie Tale movie she was back to her old self.  Then I checked my email.  TWO emails both from my two employers with changes to my work.  Now I don't have all the details for either as I have to talk to my bosses some more, but it looks like things are changing.  I'm not losing either job, but if things proceed like I think (especially with one) I may need to look for a better job in the near future.  UGH!!!  Worst monday EVER!!


Nichole said...

Oh no! Poor girl! Glad she was not hurt.

Sorry to hear about the job thing as well. I am sure that it will work out for the best. Good luck with it!

Brandy@YDK said...

that is really scary about the little girl holding E down. that's crazy. Other little kids make me nervous.

jen @ homeinthecountry said...

Cute pics of the girls up top... sorry to hear your Monday was rough (that is creepy that the other girl was holding yours down!). Hope the job thing works out...

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