Tuesday, March 22, 2011

It's ok, Tuesday.

So I totally stole this idea.  I saw it on two other blogs, which encouraged me to take it and I completely succumbed to the peer pressure. ;)  Anyway, it's about just stepping back and accepting certain things, which I really think is great.

It's ok...

-that my daughter is so ok with breastfeeding that she lifts up her own shirt to feed her baby sister.

-that instead of cleaning my house that I write a blog post instead and look up silly things online that amuse me.

-that my idea of a great weekend includes a trip to Lowe's to get a clothesline.  I'm so not getting old at all.

-that every time I put my daughter's hair in pigtails she pulls them out, which makes me ask why do I keep making her hair bows?!?

-that Elizabeth will talk to random people about the robot bunny, Gary, in her latest Veggie tale movie, but won't tell them her age.

-that my cat thinks he is one of my children too, and therefore, deserving of a space on my lap when I already have two kids on it.

No seriously, I love this idea.  So I had participate.  You all should too!


Brandy@YDK said...

cleaning house is overrated. we just watched the robot bunny veggie tales and G loved it.
love your post.

Nichole said...


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