Monday, March 28, 2011

Manic Monday

So it's becoming one of those non-stop days.  I'm actually writing this, while I cram leftover quiche into my mouth.  Not the best of eating habits, but hey that's what a mommy has to do...

Anyway, why manic?  Well, it's my first day back to work.  Now I work from home, but keeping up with two girls, keeping the house clean, and working in time for work is difficult.  So why am I blogging?  Because I want to, don't judge me. ;)

Next up is cleaning the lunch dishes, laundry, changing sheets, and then getting to work.  I'm hoping to work in an exercise hour too, but we'll see...

If I get all of it done and supper too, I'm going to be this:

But feel like this:

Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

Brandy@YDK said...

lots of good luck. balancing work/family/home is a big undertaking.

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